The European electricity market reform represents a significant turning point as it aims to adapt power markets for decarbonisation. Together with Thomas-Olivier Leautier and Fabien Roques, course directors of the Executive Course to Master Electricity Markets, we will analyse some of the key issues that will shape wholesale electricity market evolution in the years to come. In particular, this event will delve into the following topics:
• The role of planning processes and new methodologies to analyse the needs for flexibility, adequacy, and network development
• Best practices for the design of Contracts for Difference (CfDs)
• State aid and competition issues associated with long-term contracts
This online event is a spin-off of the topics that will be further analysed in the Executive Course to Master Electricity Markets that will take place in Florence on 14-15 October 2024, providing a deeper understanding of the upcoming changes in the European electricity market.
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