This event is an FSR-E3G joint initiative.
The Versailles European Council has agreed to phase-out EU dependency on gas supplies from Russia, mandate minimum gas stocks, and make an unprecedented push to rapidly increase sustainable EU-produced energy, notably renewable electricity, biogas, hydrogen, and a more flexible and efficient energy system overall.
The Commission has published its RePowerEU Communication, giving guidance to the Member States on the measures that can be taken to deal with very high energy prices, and outlining targets for new RES capacity.
The Commission has indicated that it will consider putting forward measures to reform the current ‘marginalist’ electricity market design during an emergency period and to share proposals for energy market design in the context of changing energy realities and EU climate targets by mid-May.
Seen collectively, this change represents the greatest and most difficult change in EU energy policy that we have ever seen.
The debate will focus on electricity market design. What should be done in a short term and medium and long-term in adapting the electricity market to provide energy security, affordable prices for consumers and achieving climate neutrality by 2050?
Andris Piebalgs, FSR
Christopher Jones, FSR
Vilislava Ivanova, E3G
Panel discussion moderated by Lisa Fischer, E3G
Nicola Rega, Cefic
Kavita Ahluwalia, Uniper
Michael Villa, SmartEN
Vera Brenzel, Tennet
Oscar Arnedillo, NERA Economic Consulting
Hosts: Prof. Andris Piebalgs and Prof. Christopher Jones
The focus of this series is on recent policy issues discussed by a panel of experts.
This debate will discuss the findings of the JRC Report on methane emissions coming from the biogas and biomethane supply…
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