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FSR Regulatory & Policy Workshop

The pace of change in European energy markets has increased tremendously in recent months. Not only the Paris Agreement stimulus, but also the ever increasing competitiveness of power from renewable energy sources and the desire for further electrification have changed the challenges faced by the entire energy industry. The rapid shift from fossil fuels to intermittent renewable energy sources is only one of the challenges for the capabilities of existing networks. Buzzwords such as flexibility, smart grids, digitalisation, zero emission, grid expansion, storage, blockchain, full electrification, Dunkelflaute, Power-to-X, sector coupling and “Clean Energy for all” are everywhere, however, so far the discussion seems to have neglected Europe’s rich experience in co-operation within the energy sector and the established institutional and regulatory framework.

This workshop brings together representatives from the electricity and gas sectors, together with regulatory bodies to address the challenges ahead for the electricity and gas networks and to assess, whether an interaction between the two sectors and their (currently) separated networks is needed for the future European energy system, as well as whether existing regulatory gaps hamper such a development.


Welcome Walter Boltz

Walter Boltz | The future role of gas


SESSION I: FUTURE PROOF NETWORKS  |  Challenges for future energy networks

Christoph Riechmann | Frontier Economics

Bernhard Painz | CEER / E-Control

Benjamin Duevel | Eurogas / BDEW

Is there a need for an interaction between electricity and gas networks in the future?

Christian Friebe | Thüga

Niko Bosnjak | ONTRAS Gastransport

Olivier Lebois | GRTgaz


SESSION II: CHALLENGES OR OPPORTUNITIES? | Does the EU regulatory framework allow for efficient interaction between electricity and gas networks?

Zsuzsanna Szeles | European Commission

Christophe Poillion | GRTgaz

Angus Paxton | Pöyry


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  • Christoph Riechmann | Frontier Economics
  • Bernhard Painz | E-Control / CEER
  • Jan Ingwersen | ENTSOG
  • Benjamin Düvel | BDEW / Eurogas
  • Christian Friebe | Thüga
  • Niko Bosnjak | ONTRAS Gastransport
  • Olivier Lebois | GRTgaz
  • Aad Correljé | Clingendael International Energy Programme / TU Delft
  • Zsuzsanna Szeles | European Commission
  • Christophe Poillion | GRTgaz
  • Angus Paxton | Pöyry
FSR Conferences
Badia Fiesolana – Teatro
Via dei Roccettini, 9
San Domenico di Fiesole, FL 50014 Italy

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Methane emissions from the biogas and biomethane supply chains
Methane emissions from the biogas and biomethane supply chains

This debate will discuss the findings of the JRC Report on methane emissions coming from the biogas and biomethane supply…

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