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The first episode of the new season of #FSRDebates hosted by Andris Piebalgs and Christopher Jones will focus on the revised Renewable Energy Directive (REDIII).

In September, the European Parliament cast its final vote on the revised Renewable Energy Directive (REDIII), marking the conclusion of its legislative process. The importance of REDIII cannot be overstated as it stands at the forefront of the European Union’s commitment to achieving climate neutrality by 2050. This directive represents more than just an aspirational guideline; it embodies the EU’s transformative journey towards a novel economic model, one which is in harmony with the environment.

 The ambitions of REDIII are indeed commendable. The directive has set forth a binding target which stipulates that by 2030, at least 42.5% of the EU’s energy consumption must be derived from renewable sources. To provide a perspective on its ambitious nature, in 2021, this figure stood at just 21.8%. Beyond this overarching goal, REDIII is comprehensive in its approach, advocating for an accelerated adoption of renewables across various sectors such as industry, transport, buildings, and heating and cooling.

 However, as with any directive, its impact lies not in its drafting but in its implementation. Once REDIII is published, the onus will be on EU Member States to incorporate its provisions into their national laws. The pertinent questions arise: Will this transposition be both swift and ambitious? Can Member States promptly initiate the requisite actions to bring about this green revolution?

 Unfortunately, concerns linger. A recent special report by the European Court of Auditors cast a shadow of doubt, indicating a potential gap between ambitions and actions. The report highlighted a concerning trend where the lofty goals for 2030 may not be met.

 Thus, as we acknowledge the final vote on REDIII, it is crucial for stakeholders, policymakers, and citizens alike to engage in introspection. We must not only recognize the key provisions of this revised directive but also ponder upon the steps essential for mobilizing the required actions and finance. The vision for a greener Europe hinges on the breakthrough penetration of renewable energy across all sectors of the economy. While the directive lays the path, the journey to a sustainable European Union will require collective resolve, effort, and action.

The debate will reflect on key provisions of REDIII, challenges reflected in ECA’s Report and discuss how to get ambitions transformed in reality.


Draft programme

Moderator: Marzia Sesini, FSR

Keynote Presentation on REDIII

Edith Hofer, European Commission

ECA’s Report on Climate and energy targets

Lorenzo Pirelli, ECA


Christopher Jones, FSR

Jesse Scott, Hertie School 

Pieter de Pous, E3G

James Watson, Eurogas 

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