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Municipal Waste Regulation in Europe: paving the road to address upcoming challenges

Kick-off  workshop to launch the new waste activity of the FSR

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Municipal Waste Regulation in Europe: paving the road for upcoming challenges


With an annual turnover of €184 billion and close to 1 million employees in Europe, municipal waste is a fast growing and key sector for the transition towards a circular economy. Nevertheless, with at least €31 billion investments required over the next 15 years to reach full compliance with EU municipal waste targets full compliance with EU municipal waste targets, the sector is facing huge challenges exacerbated by long-lasting structural issues, such as a fragmented, small-sized and mostly local market, unlikely to sustainably generate enough financial resources to fund investment needs. In this context, economic regulation of municipal waste services will have a crucial role to play to oversee municipal waste tariffs and quality while strengthening the economic sustainability of waste services, promoting EU legislation compliance and protecting consumers’ rights.

Taking stock of this new and challenging context, the Florence School of Regulation is enlarging the scope of its activities to include Municipal Waste Management and Circular Economy in its portfolio.

To contribute and ensure a high-level and independent debate and research on economically and socially sound regulation, it intends to gather a variety of stakeholders including regulators, operators, local authorities, the European Commission, academics and researchers, EU financial Institutions, etc.; to focus on key topics related to municipal waste regulation, including but not limited to:

  • tariff setting and cost recovery,
  • implementation of polluter-pays-principle and extended producer responsibility,
  • economic instruments efficiency and effective incentives,
  • governance gaps and challenges,
  • service quality monitoring and evaluation.


10:00 | Welcoming words:

–     Pr Stéphane Saussier, Sorbonne Business School (France)

–     Gianni Castelli, Commissioner, ARERA (Italy)

10:10 | Municipal Solid Waste in Europe: current situation and future challenges

Maria Salvetti, Sorbonne Business School (France)

–     Set of EU legislation and associated requirements;

–     Overview of municipal waste management in Europe;

–     EU compliance investment needs;

–     Key economic regulatory issues for municipal waste services

10:20 – The European framework, Pr Saussier (moderator)

–     Mattia Pellegrini, Head of Waste Management and Secondary Materials unit, DG ENV, European Commission

–     Oriana Romano, Head of Circular Economy unit, OECD

–     Jonas Byström, Urban Development Division, European Investment Bank

Q&A session

10:50 | Regulatory framework and economics, Maria Salvetti (moderator)

–     Waste-REG, Network of European waste regulators

–     Lorenzo Bardelli, Head of Environment Division, ARERA (Italy)

–     Ana Albuquerque, Executive Board Member, ERSAR (Portugal)

Q&A session

11:20 | Stakeholders’ views, Session 1, Pr Saussier (moderator)

–     Pr Paulo Ferrão, University of Lisbon, (Portugal)

–     Piotr Barczak, The European Environmental Bureau

–     Michael Mansuy, Head of Public Affairs, Veolia (France)

Q&A session

11:50 | Stakeholders’ views, Session 2, Maria Salvetti (moderator)

–     Pr Raymond Gradus, Amsterdam Vrije University (Netherlands)

–     Valérie Plainemaison, Secretary General, European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services – to be confirmed

–     Vanya Veras, Secretary General, Municipal Waste Europe

Q&A session

12:20 | Concluding words:

–     Jose-Jorge Diaz Del Castillo, Waste Management and Secondary Materials unit, DG ENV, European Commission

–     Fabio Tambone, Head of External International Relations, ARERA (Italy)

–     Pr Saussier, Sorbonne University (France)

12:30 End of the meeting


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Chiara Canestrini

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