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This conference aimed to take stock of the challenges, lessons and achievements of the EU ETS in Europe and in the rest of the world and to discuss future perspectives. 
The event was organised in collaboration with DG Climate Action, European Commission.


Jorge Moreira da Silva | Minister for Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy, Portugal

 Jos Delbeke | Director-General for Climate Action, European Commission

Guy Turner | CEO, Trove Research, UK



Daniel Dudek | Vice President, Environmental Defense Fund, USA


Carlo Carraro | Director, International Centre for Climate Governance, FEEM, Italy


Video Recording

Conference opening

Jean-Michel Glachant | Director, FSR, EUI

Miguel Arias-Cañete | Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy (video recording)

Brigid Laffan | Director, RSCAS, EUI

Keynote speech Frank Convery | Chief Economist, Environmental Defense Fund, USA

Session 1: What Made the EU ETS Possible?

Chair Brigid Laffan | Director, RSCAS, EUI


Peter Vis | EU Visiting Fellow, University of Oxford, UK

John Scowcroft | Executive Adviser, Global CCS Institute, Belgium

Jean-Yves Caneill | Head of Climate Policy, EDF, France

Robert Bradley | Senior Policy Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Arab Emirates

Eva Jensen | Director of Secretariat, Danish Climate Council, Denmark

Jørgen Wettestad | Research Professor, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway


Jos Delbeke | Director-General for Climate Action, European Commission – Summary

Session 2: How Has the EU ETS Worked?

Chair Xavier Labandeira | Director, FSR Climate, EUI


Denny Ellerman | former Director, Climate Policy Research Unit, EUI

Stig Schjolset | Head of Carbon Analysis, Thomson Reuters Point Carbon, Norway

Guy Turner | CEO, Trove Research, UK

Franzjosef Schafhausen | Director General, Climate Change, European and International Policy, Federal Ministry for Environment, Germany

Marco Mensink | Director General, CEPI, Belgium

Baroness Bryony Worthington | Shadow Energy and Climate Change Minister, House of Lords, UK


Jos Delbeke | Director-General for Climate Action, European Commission – Summary

Session 3: Looking Forward: What Next for the EU ETS?

Chair Peter Zapfel | Head of Unit, DG Climate Action, European Commission


Dirk Forrister | President and CEO, IETA, Switzerland

Daniel Dudek | Vice President, Environmental Defense Fund, USA

Felix Matthes | Research Coordinator, Öko-Institut, Germany

Dorette Corbey | Chairman, Dutch Emissions Authority, the Netherlands

Ondřej Strecker | Senior Strategy Specialist, CEZ Group, Czech Republic

Carlo Carraro | Director, International Centre for Climate Governance, FEEM, Italy


Jos Delbeke | Director-General for Climate Action, European Commission – summary

Ewa Krukowska | EU Reporter, Bloomberg News, Belgium – Summary of the day

Jos Delbeke | Director-General for Climate Action, European Commission – closing words

Xavier Labandeira | Director, FSR Climate, EUI – concluding remarks




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Badia Fiesolana – Teatro
Via dei Roccettini, 9
San Domenico di Fiesole, FL 50014 Italy


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