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The FSR is pleased to host and co-organise a high-level initiative conceived in cooperation with the Chair Governance & Regulation of the University Paris-Dauphine.

This event is designed to bring high-level academics together, to analyse and debate on the dynamic of global, international, economic governance and regulation of markets. This “organized discussion” between scholars of various horizons acknowledges the open, contested character of the broad questions raised by the dynamics of international and global institutions.

A Handbook by Oxford University Press

The ultimate aim of the workshops will consist in the composition of a “Handbook on International Economic Governance and Market Regulation”, which will be published by Oxford University Press and will cover all the important political debates and analytical stakes raised by the transnationalization of regulatory capacities of specific sectors – such as communication and media, energy, transportation, finance and insurance, as well as transversal regulatory issues (environment, public health, labour, etc.).

The workshop and the eventual volume will be developed around four main topics:

  1. The Production and Emergence of Systems of Norms
  2. The Challenge of Compliance
  3. Accountability, Sovereignty and Reforms of the Current Global Economic Governance Framework
  4. Toward Systemic Transformation

The overall approach will be cross-disciplinary and will focus, under different standpoints and domains, on the spread of the transnational private and public regulatory regimes which we have witnessed over the last thirty years.

Rather than embracing a macroeconomic or macro-institutional approach to analyse how the global economy works, the workshops will promote a micro, bottom-up perspective that would start from the analysis of individual agents, whether market participants or regulators, and analyse how they adopt rules, bend them and act upon them.

Please note that this is a closed event and participation is by invitation only.

Download the programme

Ilaria Bellacci
Villa Schifanoia – Sala Europa
Via Boccaccio, 121
Florence, 50133 Italy

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