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The topic of Green Hydrogen Development was at the centre of the recent Green Hydrogen Week held in India, where the EU and India have strengthened their partnership. India will also be a partner of the EU Green Hydrogen Week which will take place in November.
In this talk, we will analyse and discuss opportunities for synergies between the EU and India, together with Abhinav Jindal, Senior Researcher and Energy Economist and the author of the recently published paper ‘At scale adoption of Green Hydrogen in Indian Industry: Costs, subsidies and policies’ which focuses on some of the crucial aspects to be considered in the case of India.
The event will be hosted by Swetha Ravi Kumar (FSR Global). Lucila de Almeida, FSR and Carol Ofafa, ASR will join as discussants.
FSR Global is an independent regulatory hub based in India, focused on energy transitions in the Global South.

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