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This online debate looks beyond the only renewable gas and explores the role of LNG in the energy transition. What will be the role of LNG globally and what impact will it have on the EU gas market in the next 20 years?

The current debate in the EU is more and more focusing on biogas, biomethane and other “green gases” as enablers of the energy transition for the EU gas sector towards full decarbonisation.

On the other hand, the intermittent nature of renewable electricity production and the current immaturity of the technology which is expected to support this energy transition, oblige to a reflection on the role of “conventional” gas at this stage and for the next 20-25 years.

Furthermore, gas, shale gas and even coal still constitute a great share of the global energy mix and very much steer global energy policy dynamics. In several non-EU countries indeed, consumption of conventional gas is expected to increase in the next years (See recent IEA World Energy Outlook)

  • To what extent can we neglect the role of conventional gas in this context?
  • What are the possible options at stake as to ensure a real smooth energy transition?
  • Is the cost of keeping conventional gas in the energy mix a sustainable cost?


  • Christopher Jones, FSR Part-time Professor
  • Peter Fraser (IEA)
  • Jacques Rottenberg, Elengy/GLE
  • Bernard Vanheule, IOGP


  • Ilaria Conti, Head of FSR Gas

Fiesole, Firenze 50014 Italy
Chiara Canestrini
+39 055 4685 726

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