To meet the ambitious goals of the Paris Agreement, developed and developing economies will need to decarbonize at a fast pace. The ability to channel finance to mitigation activities will be essential in this process. Facilitated by financial institutions, countries need to establish frameworks governed by clear rules to ensure emissions get effectively reduced. Among other mechanisms, pricing carbon is key in achieving an ambitious and just transition in both developed and developing countries. It can also generate income to address equity issues.
This COP27 event will take place on Friday 11 November 2022, at 16:45-18:15 EET in the Room Amon of the UNFCCC Pavilion, and will be live-streamed on Youtube.
The official side event is co-organised by PIK Potsdam, EUI, ICAP and MCC Berlin.
Watch the streaming here:
Chair, introduction and conclusions
Moderator of the discussion
Part 1: Carbon pricing, state of play globally
Part 2: Carbon pricing, climate finance perspectives in developing countries
Part 3: Discussion with the presenters and Q&A with the audience
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