The creation of a European Single European Sky (SES) is progressing slowly; worse, it is in gridlock. This Executive Seminar aims at bringing the discussions to a next level and gathering high-level decision-makers in the aviation sector to find the way forward on a number of key issues, such as SES 2+, performance, the 5th Pillar and Centralised Services.
Started in 2004 (SES I) and further pushed in 2009 (SES II), it appears that its original performance objectives have been watered down and are difficult to enforce because of a lack of regulatory powers at all levels, national and European. Yet, everybody agrees that the SES is a good idea, as it is one of the answers to a lack of European competitiveness. With the current economic crisis and the losses incurred by almost all European airlines, its realization has become urgent.
The 4th European Air Transport Regulation Forum entitled “Consolidating the Single European Sky: From Physical to Virtual” set the ground for discussions. This Executive Seminar aims at bringing the discussions to a next level and gathering high-level decision-makers in the aviation sector to find the way forward on a number of key issues, such as SES 2+, performance, the 5th Pillar and Centralised Services.
This event is by invite only.
Final programme
Prof Matthias Finger – Comment on European Aviation Safety
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