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Organised jointly by the European Railway Agency (ERA) and the European University Insitute (EUI), this conference explores the regulatory context of the digitalisation of railways, which bears a lot of promise to make railways more customer-friendly, comfortable, affordable, and competitive.

By removing regulatory barriers, better access to operational data and rules shall be granted, thus creating new business opportunities.

A selected group of participants, including railway operators, infrastructure managers, lessors, manufacturers, IT specialists, National Safety Authorities, academia and passengers’ associations will debate on business needs, regulatory issues, societal trends and financial aspects linked to railway digitalisation.

Draft Programme

Introduction by ERA Executive Director, Josef Doppelbauer

Session I – Telematic applications for freight and passengers

Session II – Removing barriers for a digital Single European Railway Area

Session III – Automated Train Operations

Closing Remarks

This event is by invitation only


Final programme

Conclusions of the Executive Seminar


Introduction to the Executive Seminar – MATTHIAS FINGER, Part-time Professor & Director of the Transport Area, Florence School of Regulation/EUI; and Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

ERA and the Digitalization of Railways – JOSEF DOPPELBAUER, Executive Director, European Railway Agency

Introduction – MICHAEL BREHM, Redstone Digital

Telematic Applications for Passengers: Vision 2015 – JENS ENGELMANN, Head of Corporate Management and Evaluation Unit, European Railway Agency

Creating a lean and efficient regulatory framework for customer-friendly digital railways public transport-network – JOSEF SCHNEIDER, Chairman, European Passengers Federation

Telematic applications – CHRISTIAN PETTAUER, CIO, Westbahn GmbH

The challenges and opportunities of rail retail digitalization – NICK BROOKS, EU Affairs, Captain Train

Digitalization of Railways – MICHAEL SCHMITZ, Head of Department, EBA (NSA Germany)

Rail Digitalization: Removing Barriers for a Single European Railway Area – ANDREA GIURICIN, Consultant, ITALO/NTV

Removing Barriers for a Digital Single European Railway Area – VINCENT PASSAU, Mainline Solutions Director, Alstom

ERA and the Digitalization of Railways: RINF as a good practice – GIUSEPPE SCIALLIS/ADRIANA ALBERICI, Italian NSA

Perspectives on Automated Train Operations – JOSEF DOPPELBAUER, Executive Director, European Railway Agency

Automatic Train Operations – CLAUDIO CASSARINO, Managing Director, Metro Copenhagen

Automatic Train Operations – JEAN-CLAUDE LARRIEU, Deputy General Manager / Head of Traffic Management, SNCF Réseau

David Kupfer
Villa La Fonte
Via delle Fontanelle, 18
San Domenico di Fiesole, Firenze 50014

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