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This event will examine the lessons for international climate governance can to ensure equity and solidarity in the EU Emissions Trading System.

This Side Event is organised within the framework of the EUI State of the Union, as part of the policy dialogue carried out under the LIFE SIDE project.The project,  started on 1 September 2016, supports European policy makers with the design and implementation of the new EU ETS legislation.

Go to the side event web page

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The LIFE SIDE project is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Commission

Monique Cavallari
Fiesole, Firenze 50014 Italy
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International Conference on the Ex-Post Evaluation of Emissions Trading
International Conference on the Ex-Post Evaluation of Emissions Trading

FSR Climate is delighted to announce the third International Conference on Ex-Post Evaluation of Emissions Trading on Monday, scheduled on…

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