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The growing share of RES deployment towards 2030 will have increasing impacts on the future electricity markets and is likely to require numerous regulatory adjustments of different electricity market design elements.
The main purpose of this workshop are to:

  • Carefully identify what are the likely regulatory constraints or barriers conditioning the desired integration between the market, the grid and RES
  • Propose remedies to overcome these barriers
  • Increase awareness among the EU regulatory community (authorities and institutions) on the possible alternatives to bridge the gap between the current regulatory framework and a successful EU energy policy in the context of the RES.

This event is organised within the framework of the European project Towards 2030-dialogue co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union. About Towards 2030 The aim of this proposed action is to facilitate and guide the RES policy dialogue for the period towards 2030. This strategic initiative aims for an intense stakeholder dialogue that establishes a European vision of a joint future RES policy framework. The dialogue process will be coupled with in-depth and continuous analysis of relevant topics that include RES in all energy sectors but with more detailed analyses for renewable electricity. The work will be based on results from the IEE project beyond2020, where policy pathways with different degrees of harmonisation have been analysed for the post 2020 period. Towards2030-dialogue will directly build on these outcomes: complement, adapt and extend the assessment to the evolving policy process in Europe. The added value of Towards2030-dialogue includes the analysis of alternative policy pathways for 2030, such as the (partial) opening of national support schemes, the clustering of regional support schemes as well as options to coordinate and align national schemes. Additionally, this project offers also an impact assessment of different target setting options for 2030, discussing advanced concepts for related effort sharing. Objectives In line with the key priorities related to strategic initiatives for RES electricity (i.e. informing the debate on the post 2020 horizon) it is the core aim of Towards2030-dialogue to facilitate and guide the RES policy dialogue for the period towards 2030. This represents also the key specific objective as outlined below. Thus, a list of all major specific objectives of this action looks as follows:

  • Launch and guide an intense stakeholder dialogue on the RES policy framework for 2030.
  • Contribute to the design and implementation of suitable RES policy pathways towards 2030.
  • Provide insights on and solutions for the establishment of 2030 (RES) targets.

This will add transparency to the debate on 2030 (RES) targets and enhance political decision making.




Overview on the Towards2030 – Dialogue Project and Introduction to Workshop Fabio Genoese | CEPS

Session 1

Electricity Markets and RES Integration. Report Jean-Michel Glachant DSO Perspective Roberto Zangrandi | EDSO TSO Perspective Verdiana Ambrosi | TERNA

Session 2

Current Trends in Electricity Market Design Corinna Klessman/Katharina Grave | Ecofys Implications for RES Policy Pathways André Ortner | TU Vienna Regulator Perspective Andrea Commisso | AEEG Italy ENTSO-E’s Prospective View on Market Design Colas Chabanne | ENTSO-E

Session 3

Integration of Wind Energy in Balancing and Intraday Energy Markets Iván Pineda | EWEA Electricity Market and RES Integration Anne-Malorie Géron | EURELECTRIC Integration of RES Generators in Balancing and Intraday Markets Verdiana Ambrosi | TERNA


Villa La Fonte – Conference Room
Villa La Fonte, Via delle Fontanelle
Fiesole, Florence 50014 Italy
Andres Delgadillo


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