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After achieving an ambitious integration of wholesale markets, Europe is increasingly focussing on balancing markets, and regional system operation. We no longer talk about completing the integration of electricity markets in Europe; instead, we embrace the process and go with the flow.

In this online event, we will give you a teaser of the #EEME book: the Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe.

  • What did we achieve in balancing markets, and what’s next?
  • What did we achieve in regional system operation, and what’s next?
  • What is the connection between these topics, a cruise ship, and delayed clocks?

Watch the recording:


Leonardo Meeus, FSR


Tim Schittekatte, FSR

Valerie Reif, FSR


Anthony Papavasiliou (UCLouvain)

Line Roald (University of Wisconsin-Madison)



The series focuses on the insights from the FSR research.  These online events will give the FSR researchers the chance to share our research findings and to collect feedback on ongoing research by engaging with the audience and invited experts.

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The Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe

Bridging theory and practice, this book offers insights into how Europe has experienced the evolution of modern electricity markets from the end of the 1990s to the present day. It explores defining moments in the process, including the four waves of European legislative packages, landmark court cases, and the impact of climate strikes and marches.
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Chiara Canestrini
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Valerie Reif
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Tim Schittekatte
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Anthony Papavasiliou
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Line Roald

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