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In December the European Commission will table the long-awaited legislative package that will provide the regulatory and legal framework for the future regulation and support of the EU’s emerging hydrogen market. This will cover issues such as:

  • Which regulatory model – unbundling, TPA, tariff principles, should apply to the future hydrogen grid, and when?
  • What is the appropriate definition for low-carbon hydrogen – which should qualify for inclusion in the EU’s future low and zero-carbon market?
  • How should guarantees of origin and certification apply to low-carbon hydrogen?
  • How to finance a hydrogen grid that will need to be built to excess capacity in the beginning?
  • Should gas TSOs be the sole operators of the future hydrogen grid?
  • How to regulate the gas and hydrogen RABs – joint? separate?

Join the next FSR debate to discuss these issues with our panel.


Keynote address  Catharina Sikow-Magny, Director, DG ENER, EC

Round table discussion with:

François-Régis Mouton, Director IOGP Europe

Jan Ingwersen, Director-General ENTSOG

Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO Hydrogen Europe

Nicola Rega, Energy director, CEFIC


The focus of this debate series is on policy issues to be discussed by a panel of experts. Learn more about the FSR series.

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Chiara Canestrini

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