The 4th Railway Package is another step towards the European Commission’s vision of a Single European Railway Area and as such will contribute to reshaping the European railway sector. The 6th Florence Rail Forum will analyse and discuss one of the 4th Railway Package’s pillars, namely the technical pillar.
The lack of standardisation, highly specified rolling stock, resulting investment costs, but also the costs of entering and exiting the market, remain very high. Authorization procedures are long, and fees for safety certificates are costly. But if the domestic passenger market is to be opened to competition significant measures have to be taken towards interoperability. One of these measures is transforming the European Rail Authority (ERA) to become the central body for standardization and interoperability.
Stakeholders are invited discuss the challenges stemming from the implementation of the technical pillar of the proposed 4th Railway Package. The discussions will be centred on the following guiding questions:
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Introduction to the 6th Florence Rail Forum – MATTHIAS FINGER
A view from the Cabinet of the Transport Commissioner – KEIR FITCH
Deutsche Bahn on the Implementation of the Technical Pillar – JOHANN METZNER
SNCF on the Technical Pillar – PIERRE MESSULAM
The German Federal Railway Authority on the Technical Pillar – RALF SCHWEINSBERG
ERA’s view on the Technical Pillar – CHRISTOPHER CARR
The French National Safety Authority on the Implementation of the Technical Pillar – DENIS HUNEAU
SBB’s view on the Technical Pillar and the ERA – DÖLF EGLOFF; MICHAEL SÜNDER
ÖBB’s view on the implications of the Technical Pillar – MARK TOPAL-GOEKCLI
UNIFE’s view on the implications of the Technical Pillar – ALICE POLO
The International Union of Wagon Keepers on the Technical Pillar – GILLES PETERHANS
FSI’s view on Technical Pillar – ALBERTO MAZZOLA
An Academic View on Interoperability – LAURENT GUIHÉRY
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