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Following previous discussion events on rail transport, we continue debating railway liberalisation in Europe. The current developments on the European level trigger the question how liberalization will evolve. Especially, they want to know which form competition will take: will competition be about access as was the original idea of the European Commission or will it rather evolve into tendering of various bits and pieces of the railway system?

The discussions will be centred around following questions:

  • What will competition look like in the short, medium and long run?
  • Will there be competition at all?
  • If desirable, how can and will it be promoted?
  • How can and will it be enforced?
  • And what role will regulators play in the short, medium and long run in promoting and enforcing such competition?

Keeping to one of FSR’s guiding principles, namely stakeholder involvement, this Forum will feature presentations from representatives of the European Commission, Ministries, regulators, operators, international associations of stakeholders and academics.

For more information please contact  FSR.transport@eui.eu


Final programme


Introduction to the 5th Florence Rail Forum – MATTHIAS FINGER

Introduction to the 5th Florence Rail Forum – MATTHIAS RUETE

A view of an Incumbent Operator (DB) – JOACHIM FRIED

A view from an Incumbent Opertor (FS) – ALBERTO MAZZOLA

A view of an Incumbent Operator (SBB) – RETO BLEISCH

A view of an Incumbent Operator (ÖBB) – IRINA MICHALOWITZ

A view of an Incumbent Operator (NS) – RENEE ELZINGA

The View of a New Entrant (Veolia Transdev) – MICHEL QUIDORT

The View of a New Entrant (EPTO) – JAN MÖLLMANN

CER’s View on Market Opening – LIBOR LOCHMAN

CER’s study on Vertical Separation (Introduction) – EDWARD CHRISTIE

CER’s study on Vertical Separation – DIDIER VAN DE VELDE

The 2012 European Railway Performance Index – MATTHIAS FINGER

The View of a Transport Authority (Transportstyrelsen) – MATS ANDERSSON

Villa La Fonte
Via delle Fontanelle, 18
San Domenico di Fiesole, Firenze 50014
Nadia Bert


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