Gas Policy & Regulation

The FSR Gas and Hydrogen Area acts as a platform for debate and for the exchange of best practices between regulators, academics, representatives from EU institutions, industry, and other key market players.

We develop academic and applied researchpolicy events, and training on the most topical gas policy and regulatory issues.

Gas Knowledge

The future regulatory framework applicable to carbon capture and storage infrastructure : issues for discussion

The basic objective of the European Commission’s Carbon Capture Use and Storage Communication in Q1 2024 must, of course, be to catalyse the rapid development of carbon capture and storage…

JONES, Christopher
Hydrogen certification
Hydrogen certification

We know clean energy is key to decarbonising the economy, but what does ‘clean’ mean? And how can consumers know…

Report from the 38th Madrid Forum
Report from the 38th Madrid Forum

On 25th and 26th April, the 38th edition of the European Gas Regulatory Forum (aka Madrid Forum) took place. As…

Modelling LNG trade developments in a changing world
Modelling LNG trade developments in a changing world

The #FSRInsights episode “Navigating Global LNG Trade Dynamics and Geopolitical Challenges in 2040” focused on the critical role of Europe…

Unlocking European biogas and biomethane : policy insights from comparative analysis
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 2024, Vol. 199, Art. 114521, OnlineFirst

The scaling up of renewable gases is now being presented as a critical and effective component of the EU's long-term decarbonization strategy. Yet, the support schemes implemented for biogas and…

SESINI, Marzia;CRETÌ, Anna;MASSOL, Olivier
A ‘no-regrets’ network for EU hydrogen?
A ‘no-regrets’ network for EU hydrogen?

Despite the fact that renewable and low-carbon hydrogen represents one of the pillars of the EU decarbonisation and system integration…

Training Courses

Executive Course to master European Hydrogen Legislation
Executive Course to master European Hydrogen Legislation

In this new 2-day residential course from the Florence School of Regulation, we provide an immersion in the legal and technical framework of the European hydrogen sector. Over the two…

Clean Molecules for the Energy Transition
Clean Molecules for the Energy Transition

Clean Molecules: Hydrogen, Biogas, Biomethane, Synthetic Gas The 2025 ‘Clean Industrial Deal’ provides a clear framework to link decarbonisation with economic resilience and competitiveness. By accelerating the deployment of clean…

EU Gas ‎Network Codes
EU Gas ‎Network Codes

The implementation of the EU Gas Network Codes (NC) requires an important effort from many participants of the market and sound competence and specialised resources.   Join us to gain comprehensive knowledge about…

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The school carries out multidisciplinary research with the purpose of developing economically, legally, and socially-sound regulation and policy.

Training courses

Designed by an international faculty of academics and the main experts in the field, our courses are designed to meet the educational needs of professionals at all levels.

Policy events

Our events bring together the world of academia and practice to offer a vast range of opportunities for open discussion and practice sharing.

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