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Through applied research, policy dialogue and innovative training, the Florence School of Regulation aims at improving the quality of regulatory policy in Europe and worldwide.



The School carries out applied research with the purpose of developing economically, legally, and socially-sound regulation and policy, through a multidisciplinary approach.


Designed by an International faculty of academics and the main experts in the field, our courses (online, residential, tailor-made) are designed to meet the educational needs of professionals at all levels.


Our events bring together the world of academia and practice and offer a vast range of opportunities for open discussion and practice sharing.


The FSR was founded in 2004 by three European regulators in the energy sector. Since its creation the FSR has been providing a unique forum where European and national regulators, utilities, policy-makers and academics meet, discuss and get trained.

Pippo Ranci

Co-founder of CEER and former chairman of the Italian Regulatory Authority

Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga

MIT and University of Comillas

Jorge Vasconcelos

Co-founder and chairman of CEER

FSR sits as a programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute in Florence, Europe’s intergovernmental institution for doctoral and postdoctoral studies and research. The FSR director, currently Leonardo Meeus, is the holder of the Loyola de Palacio Chair, established with the support of European energy regulators and the European Commission in 2008 to foster permanent common policy debate for the integration of the energy markets.

The European Commission supports the EUI through the European Union budget

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