The FSR stands in solidarity with Ukraine, offers free seats to Ukrainian students, researchers and professionals

The free seats are intended for researchers, students, and professionals holding Ukrainian nationality, residents, and employees of Ukrainian institutions and companies

Alongside many institutions and private citizens around the world, the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) at the European University Institute (EUI) has been following the escalation of Russia’s assault on Ukraine’s territorial integrity with shock and disbelief.

The FSR hereby condemns these acts of violence against Ukraine and the violation of international law and stands in support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people and their institutions.

With the intent of facilitating access to training to a new generation of Ukrainian energy scholars and professionals, the FSR is offering 50 free seats in its training courses on EU energy policy and regulation. Applications are to be received by 10 June 2022. Instructions on how to apply can be found below.


FSR for Ukraine

The Florence School of Regulation Energy & Climate (FSR) is a centre of excellence for independent research, training, and policy dialogue. Since its creation in 2004, FSR has been providing a unique forum where European and national regulators, utilities, policymakers, and academics meet, discuss, and get trained.

In this context and in light of our role as a school, we feel the urge to step up our support and to offer our contribution to those who are being impacted by the attacks on Ukrainian soil.

Over the years, the FSR has strived to build a truly global community that transcends national borders. Our commitment to strengthening this community is only amplified by the dire circumstances of the war. Also, our institution acknowledges the importance of knowledge-sharing in the context of a growing energy crisis and believes strongly that these attacks should not be a reason for Ukraine to be left behind and isolated from the international community.

Finally, in mobilizing for the people of Ukraine, the FSR joins the voice and actions of a number of European and extra-European institutions advocating for a pacific resolution.



Conditions for application to the FSR training courses

The FSR would like to offer a total of 50 free seats on our community courses (fully online) to students, researchers, and professionals in the energy sector.

Applicants must hold Ukrainian nationality and/or residency and/or be employed in a regulatory agency, public institution or energy company based in Ukraine.

The FSR has the following online courses starting from March to October 2022 at three different levels of expertise from which the applicants can choose from

· Fundamentals: Regulation for Sustainable Development Goal 7 (For those wanting to apply to the course, it is required that you submit your application by 24 Apr 2022)

· Highlights: Regulation of the Power Sector (EDIT: applications for this course are closed)

· Specialised: The EU Green Deal, Evolution of Electricity markets in Europe, Electric Vehicles: a power sector perspective (For those wanting to apply to the EU Green Deal course, it is required that you submit your application by 24 Apr 2022)

You can explore our entire online course offering here.


The application must include:

– A CV detailing Ukraine nationality, residency, or place of employment (Ukraine).

– A cover letter detailing how our courses are relevant for your career advancement.

You must submit your application here.


For further information on this opportunity, please contact Claudia Carella

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be informed that should the number of applications exceed our offering, the FSR reserves the right to make a final decision on the applications based on the recommendations from an independent selection committee.

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