The FSR Policy Briefcase – Season 1 recap

Unpacking the complexities of EU climate and energy policy with the authors of the FSR Policy Briefs

The podcast series hosted by FSR Director, Leonardo Meeus and Research Associate James Kneebone aimed to unpack the complexities of European climate and energy policy with the authors of the FSR’s latest Policy Briefs.

After a year of insightful discussions, expert interviews, and deep dives into thought-provoking topics, the first season of the FSR Policy Briefcase has come to its conclusion (spoiler: a new season is already in the pipeline!).

By bringing together expert insights, analysis, and real-world implications on key societal challenges associated with the drive to net-zero, the series offered an opportunity to staying up-to-date on energy and climate subjects in Europe and beyond.

Whether you've listened to every episode or are looking for a quick recap before diving in, this blog post recaps the highlights, key takeaways and memorable moments from the series.

The FSR Policy Briefcase – All podcast episodes

Episode 1: Energy policy ideas for the next European Commission

The first instalment of the ‘FSR Policy Briefcase’ features the recent flagship Policy Brief ‘Energy policy ideas for the next European Commission: from targets to investments’ written by some of the most senior researchers at the Florence School of Regulation.

Episode 2: Was the energy crisis the key to completing EU electricity market integration?

The second instalment of the ‘FSR Policy Briefcase’ with Ellen Beckstedde and Emma Menegatti is a detailed discussion on the energy crisis of 2021/2022.

Episode 3: How can clean hydrogen contribute to European industrial decarbonisation?

The third instalment of the ‘FSR Policy Briefcase’ explores European industrial policy following the energy crisis of 2021/22, specifically the role of clean hydrogen in the protection and continuation of existing energy-intensive industrial sectors as well as in generating new, clean industrial growth.

Episode 4 | Invisible but detectable! Regulating and pricing methane emissions in Europe and at sea

The fourth instalment of the ‘FSR Policy Briefcase’ explores the subject of methane emissions, specifically the establishment of a Methane Regulation in the EU, as well as the increasing attention methane is receiving in the maritime sector, both maritime fuel emissions and leakages from LNG shipments.

Episode 5 | Policy Before Pipes: Fast-Tracking a Regulatory Framework for CCUS

The 5th episodes explores the why, when, and how of carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) in Europe.

Episode 6 | Rethinking long-term contracts for the energy transition: Part 1

The sixth episode of the ‘FSR Policy Briefcase’ unpacks the subject of ‘long-term contracts’ in the electricity sector and explores some of the ways that a fresh look at this tool could help deliver the energy transition.

Episode 7 | Rethinking long-term contracts for the energy transition: Part 2

The seventh episode of the ‘FSR Policy Briefcase’ unpacks the subject of ‘long-term contracts’ in the electricity sector and explores some of the ways that a fresh look at this tool could help deliver the energy transition.

Episode 8 | The ABCs of CfDs: Demystifying and designing Contracts for Difference

The eighth episode breaks down the subject of ‘contracts for difference’ or ‘CfD’s’ in the renewable electricity sector and explores some of the ways that innovative designs can help accelerate the energy transition.

Episode 9 | Von der Leyen’s Political Guidelines

The ninth episode of the ‘FSR Policy Briefcase’ breaks down Ursula von der Leyen’s Political Guidelines for her next term as European Commission President.

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