SmartNet Project’s kick-off meeting, 26-27 January 2016

Florence School of Regulation (EUI) is honoured to participate in a EU-funded, 3-year research project on electricity grids interconnection together with 22 partners from all over Europe.

The first kick-off meeting of the project, named SmartNet, will take place on January 26th and 27th in Milan at the premises of RSE (Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico).

The SmartNet project is funded by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) delegated by the European Commission in the framework of Horizon 2020. The funds granted for the whole project are about €13 million.

The research will focus on a crucial point at this stage of the EU electricity market’s development: how is to provide optimised instruments and modalities to favour the interactions between TSOs and DSOs, especially in managing the exchange of information for monitoring and for the acquisition of ancillary services; both at the domestic and cross-border dimension.

Together with FSR, other partners in this project will be Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), VITO (Belgium), Endesa (Spain), (Denmark), Terna (Italy) and Vodafone (Luxembourg).

On Day One (26th January) the project will be officially introduced to a wide public of stakeholders, including journalists and specialists in the energy sector. The first Advisory Board is also scheduled on 26th, to enable a productive discussion between European TSOs, DSOs, Regulators and Research Institutes; Day Two (27thJanuary) will instead be reserved just to the SmartNet partners.


ReportA conceptual framework for the evolution of the operation and regulation of electricity transmission systems towards a decarbonised and increasingly integrated electricity system in the EU

Policy Brief: What futures for the EU power transmission industry?

Video: Workshop on the “Evolution of EU electricity TSOs”

Audio & Video: Energy infrastructure: When will European grids be smart?

Audio & Video: Electricity Distribution | Why and Where to Adapt Regulation


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