Simone Borghesi presenting at the 2018 International Workshop on the Economics of Climate Change and Sustainability
Simone Borghesi, Director of FSR Climate, will contribute to the 2018 International Workshop on the Economics of Climate Change and Sustainability (Bertinoro, Italy, 27-28 April 2018) presenting a paper entitled “Green licenses and environmental corruption: a random matching model”. The Workshop aims at bringing together theoretical and applied researchers to discuss the ongoing advanced research on the economics of climate change and sustainability.
The event will feature, among the others, the following eminent economists: Lucas Bretschger (ETH Zurich), Christian Gollier (TSE, Toulouse), Larry Karp (University of California, Berkeley), Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, Athens), Michael Rauscher (University of Rostock), Anastasios Xepapadeas (AUEB, Athens and UNIBO, Bologna).