Research Projects

The FSR is involved in a broad range of research projects, programmes and initiatives in cooperation with other international institutions.

Current Research Projects


Collaborative Observatory for ASsessment of the EU ETS

LIFE COASE is co-funded by the EU LIFE Programme. It will establish the first observatory for assessment of the European Union Emissions Trading System, in order to offer a reference source of knowledge for policymakers and researchers and pave the way for future research and policies on emissions trading. LIFE COASE started in January 2023 and will run until December 2025. 


ClimAte Policy AcceptaBiLity Economic framework

CAPABLE is a Horizon Europe project led by CMCC that will provide recommendations for designing socially and economically acceptable climate policy measures for 2030 and beyond. CAPABLE will draw on economics, sociology, political sciences and psychology to capture climate policy’s multidimensional outcomes and implications. It started in January 2023 and will run until December 2025.


Sustainability Performances, Evidence and Scenarios

SPES is funded by the Horizon Europe programme of the EU. The project will contribute to the definition of an updated measurement and analysis framework on sustainable human development and sustainability transition, to promote an integrated approach towards sustainability in its different environmental, social and economic dimensions. SPES runs from February 2023 to January 2026.


Energy Communities Repository

Communities driving innovation

The Energy Communities Repository (ECR) is an initiative on behalf of the European Commission to assist local actors with setting up and advancing projects driven by energy communities in urban areas across Europe. ECR also provides policy analysis and insights for policymakers, regulators and financial institutions and collects data on their development at the EU level.



A European Distributed Data Infrastructure for Energy

The European Distributed Data Infrastructure for Energy (EDDIE) project aims at providing a decentralised, distributed, open-source Data Space for energy services Europe.


The Interoperability Network for the Energy Transition

The Interoperability Network for the Energy Transition (int:net) will establish an open and cross-domain community. Within the int:net-interoperability network, the project will bring together stakeholders relevant to the European energy sector to jointly work on developing, testing and deploying interoperable energy services.


Towards a liquid, flexible and transparent global Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) market

LNGnet aims to foster secure, sustainable, diverse, and competitive gas supplies by supporting the development towards a liquid, flexible, and transparent Global Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Market in Europe and beyond. It operates within the EU’s objective of a climate-neutral economy, while reckoning that natural gas will play a substantial role in the world’s energy supplies for several decades, with LNG representing a growing share of natural gas trade.


One Network for Europe

OneNet is a Horizon 2020 project bringing together more than 70 European partners to create a fully replicable and scalable architecture that enables the whole European electrical system to operate as a single system in which a variety of markets allows the universal participation of stakeholders, from small consumer to large producers.

Global Observatory on Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading

User-Centred Energy Systems

The observatory is a forum for international collaboration to understand the policy, regulatory, social and technological conditions to support the wider deployment of P2P energy solutions.


The FutureGas Project

Towards the green transition

The FSR is a member of the consortium of The FutureGas project. The project will analyse the gas chain from supply to regulation: efficient production and use of green gases including potential conditioning to natural gas quality, flexible use of gas also for transport, system integration, as well as the application of measures to ensure economically efficient use of gas.



TSO-DSO-Consumer INTERFACE architecture to provide innovative grid services for an efficient power system

The Horizon2020 INTERRFACE project works around the question of how to organize the procurement of different services at both the transmission and distribution-level. Several demonstrators are being developed. FSR is in charge of the regulatory framework around such new developments and addressing market design questions.

Past projects


Innovation Pathways, Strategies and Policies for the Low-Carbon Transition in Europe

INNOPATHS is a four year EU funded research project which aims to work with a range of stakeholders from government, academics and civil society, to generate new, state-of-the-art low-carbon pathways for the European Union.


Deepening International Cooperation on Emissions Trading

The FSR Climate team is working on LIFE DICET, a project co-financed by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) through the LIFE Programme. The project will build on and take further the results of the recently completed LIFE SIDE project, which has been supporting European policy-makers with the design and implementation of the new EU ETS legislation.


The FSR Energy and Climate team is working on “FRESCO – the Future of Renewable Energy Communities”. The goal of the project, which is financed by Fondation Tuck, is to assess the current situation of renewable energy communities in Europe and to contribute to better identifying their prospects over the next decade. Building on a review of the relevant literature, the interactions with experts and an in-depth analysis of three case studies, FRESCO will provide a taxonomy to disentangle the debate on renewable energy communities and elaborate four alternative scenarios concerning their development and impact on the electricity sector.


Smart Solutions for 2030 Networks

FSR Energy has been leading the Communications and Dissemination Package WP7 of the Horizon2020 funded SmartNet Project. The 3-year project analysed and compared different TSO-DSO coordination schemes for acquiring ancillary services from distributed resources, in order to propose new practical solutions to the increasing integration of Renewable Energy Sources in the existing electricity transmission network.



LIFE SIDE was managed by the Climate Area of the Florence School of Regulation. The LIFE SIDE project has been supporting European policy-makers with the design and implementation of the new EU ETS legislation.



Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks

FSR has been the task leader for the design of the economic framework of the Horizon 2020 project PROMOTioN investigating the financial, technical and environmental benefits to the European electricity market of a meshed offshore transmission grid connecting offshore wind farms to land.



Advising the EC (DG ENERGY) on Energy Policy

FSR has been coordinating the THINK project (2010-2013), funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme, Strategic Energy Technology Plan to provide knowledge support to policy-making by the European Commission in the context of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan.

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