The de- and re-regulation of the different network industries and related infrastructures is an ongoing process at national and global levels. As this process unfolds, ever new phenomena emerge. Yet, the question about the right mixture between market, economic, technical and social regulation remains wide open in all the network industries.
The question becomes even more challenging when looking at recent infrastructure development as triggered by their pervasive digitalization. Not only are the different infrastructures transformed by their digitalization – e.g., digital transport, smart energy, etc. – calling for new approaches to regulating them, but moreover does digitalization become a phenomenon in its own right. The European Commission actually sees digitalization as a means to accelerate integration, to tear down regulatory walls and to move from 28 national markets to a single one. Consequently, digitalization and especially its implications in terms of privacy and security also require regulatory attention.
The Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures is the sole annual event that gathers together all the Areas of the Florence School of Regulation. It takes place in June every year, and this 5th edition on Friday, June 24th aims at taking stock of the major challenges infrastructure regulation is currently facing in the age of their rapid digitalization. The selection procedure of the authors that will present at the Conference is now complete, and the draft programme of the day is available on the dedicated website. Registrations are now open for discussants and attendees. Every participant will be invited to take the floor and comment on the issues at stake.
Furthermore, The Routledge Companion to Network Industries will be presented the day before the Conference. Some of the authors of the chapters will be present to discuss the content of their chapters and their future research on the topic. Registrations are also open for this book presentation.