Energy | Article
Towards an interoperability roadmap for the energy transition
17 January 2024
REIF Valerie, STRASSER Thomas I., JIMENO Joseba, GENEST Oliver, GYRARD Amélie, MCGRANAGHAN Mark, LIPARI Gianluca, SCHÜTZ Johann, USLAR Mathias, VOGEL Sebastian, BYTYQI Arsim, DORNMAIR Rita, CORUSA Andreas, ROY Gaurav, PONCI Ferdinanda, DOGNINI Alberto, MONTI Antonello
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 2023, Vol. 140, pp. 478–487
Smart grid interoperability is the means to achieve the twin green and digital transition but remains heterogeneous and fragmented to date. This work presents the first ideas and cornerstones of an Interoperability Roadmap for the Energy Transition that is being developed by the Horizon Europe int:net project. This roadmap builds on four cornerstones that address open interoperability issues. These are a knowledge base to address the lack of convergence among existing initiatives, a maturity model and a network of testing and certification facilities to address the lack of practical tools for the industry, and a governance process to address the gap between standards-related approaches of Standards Development Organisations and Research and Innovation projects. A community of practice will be set up to ensure the continuity of the ongoing activities related to smart grid interoperability. To outlive the duration of the int:net project, the aim is to formalise the community of practice as a legal entity.
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