Highlights: - The European Green Deal calls for a revision of the TEN-Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 347/2013). In this Policy Paper, we assess the experience with the implementation of the TEN-E Regulation and how it can be revised to align it with the new full decarbonisation objective. - The TEN-E Regulation defined several categories of projects that can obtain the PCI status: electricity, gas, smart grids, oil, and CO2 networks. First, oil networks can be excluded, while the role of gas networks is more debatable. Gas pipelines need to support pursuit of the decarbonisation goal. Second, power-to-X technologies, electric vehicle charging stations and (smart) gas distribution grids can be added to the scope. - The TEN-E Regulation attempted to make the selection of strategically important EU energy infrastructure more objective. We offer three recommendations in this regard. First, to make the TYDNP an integrated exercise over all energy vectors using an open source model. Second, to make the scenarios used in the TYNDPs subject to the approval of the European Commission. Third, to reallocate the approval decision for (harmonised) CBA methodologies from the European Commission to ACER. - The TEN-E Regulation introduced a CBCA procedure. Also, CEF-E funding to support PCIs was made available. We offer two recommendations in this regard. First, CBCA decisions should become more ambitious than the minimum standard recommended by ACER in 2015. All jurisdictions involved should end up with similar benefit-to-cost ratios to increase commitment. Second, affordability should be the only award criterion that is linked to CEF-E funding. This award criterion shall complement two eligibility conditions: 1/ the project is strategic to reach the EU decarbonisation goal; and 2/ the project is regulated.
In the Commission’s Industrial Carbon Management Strategy it acknowledges the importance of CCUs, and that without it the EU will not succeed in its Green deal and Net Zero ambitions. [...]
The Recast Directive opens the single European railway area to competition. Competition is gradually emerging across the EU but there are obvious asymmetries among Member States, in particular in the [...]
As the 2021 EU urban mobility framework states, Europe is one of the most urbanised regions in the world with a huge variety of cities that are important economic and [...]
For decades, environmental degradation has been the focus of public opinion, academia, research centers, and institutions. This attention is motivated by increasing awareness of the severe ecological and socio-economic problems [...]
This policy brief, written in May 2024, provides an overview of the international carbon market landscape and describes the status quo in terms of the degree of its integration and [...]
The general objective of the report is to map – quantitatively and qualitatively – the main existing policy frameworks and strategies for sustainable development (SD) and sustainability transitions (ST) in [...]
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