Transport | Policy Brief
Making use in the public interest of data generated by connected vehicles
05 December 2024
Cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM) offers a unique opportunity to make EU transport systems safer, cleaner, more efficient and more user-friendly. In its most advanced form, CCAM services use automated connected vehicles, also known as selfdriving cars and trucks, which can operate without human intervention. It prepares for the arrival of an entirely new generation of vehicles, unlocking opportunities and tools thanks to the data generated by these vehicles. EU member states, industry and the European Commission (EC) are collaborating to realise the EU's ambitious vision of connected automated mobility across the EU, considering the interests of public authorities, citizens, cities and industry. The EU Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy (SSMS) stresses the importance of connected automated systems in improving transport while contributing to enhanced sustainability and safety. The way vehicles operate is swiftly being integrated in the transport system, accompanied by policies and legislation pertaining to cybersecurity, liability, data use, privacy and connectivity. However, vehicles can only remain connected when crossing borders if coordination exists at the European level.
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