Energy | Electricity | Technical Report
A conceptual framework for the evolution of the operation and regulation of electricity transmission systems towards a decarbonised and increasingly integrated electricity system in the EU
27 October 2015
The electricity industry is undergoing major changes mainly dictated by the need to simultaneously accomplish integration of European energy markets and build a low-carbon economy. This process was facilitated if not initiated by a wave of technological innovation. The EU power transmission enters a brand new world which has not been foreseen by the former three “single energy market” packages. Florence School of Regulation offers you a conceptual framework to understand where the European power system and transmission networks are going to and what are the biggest challenges and alternatives for the EU power regulation and governance. Florence School of Regulation is not pushing any roadmap or blueprint. We are offering “food for thought”: knowledge frames to understand how the power landscape moves. Up to decision makers and stakeholders to draw the actual future that EU deserves and will get.
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