Transport | Article
Editorial : special issue on 20 years of liberalization of the European network industries
23 January 2015
Utilities Policy, 2014, Vol. 31, pp. 219-220
The focus of this special issue is the liberalization of the network industries in Europe. Within the issue, we look back at 20 years of de- and re-regulation. We also look into the future, say the next 20 years, and assess the possible evolution of these network industries, considering the currently observable trends in both technology and European regulatory policies. Who else than the Florence School of Regulation would be better placed to coordinate and write such a special issue? The Florence School of Regulation was established at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy, in 2004 in the area of energy; telecommunications and media were added in 2009, and transport and postal services in 2010. Today, the so-called Florence School covers these three main areas, but will expand to others in future e namely water and banking/finance. All of the authors that have contributed to this issue are either coordinators of one of the three areas, or closely affiliated with the Florence School of Regulation.
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