Demand response is a cornerstone problem in electricity markets under climate change constraint. Most liberalized electricity markets have a poor track record at encouraging the deployment of smart meters and the development of demand response. In Europe, different models are considered for demand response, from a development under a regulated regime to a development under competitive perspectives. In this paper, focusing on demand response and smart metering for mid-size and small consumers, we investigate which types of market signals should be sent to demand manager to see demand response emerge as a competitive activity. Using data from the French power system over the last 8 years, we compare the possible market design options to allow demand response to develop. Our simulations demonstrate that with the current market rules, demand response is not a profitable activity in the French electricity industry. Introducing a reserve and/or capacity remuneration could bring additional revenues to demand response providers and improve incentives to put in place demand response programs in a market environment.
The European Commission has confirmed plans to enshrine a 90% greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target by 2040 into law, in line with the European Climate Law’s goal of achieving climate [...]
With 2023 being the hottest year documented and global emissions remaining at record-high levels, we are reminded about the importance of translating climate commitments into effective policies – across both [...]
This report summarises the insights collected during the workshop on “The role of carbon markets in reaching carbon neutrality”, which took place in June 2024. This workshop was part of [...]
The report prepared by Mr Draghi, former President of the European Central Bank and former Prime Minister of Italy, to the European Commission entitled “EU competitiveness: Looking ahead” (“the Draghi [...]
Le Pacte vert européen vise à rendre l’Europe neutre pour le climat d’ici à 2050. Sa déclinaison nationale, la Stratégie nationale bas-carbone (SNCB), propose une feuille de route fondée sur [...]
This dataset aims to provide a list of installation entries and exits into and from the EU ETS. To the extent possible, we also specify the reason for an identified [...]
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