Power Summit 2019 | Call for contributions!



Eurelectric and The Florence School of Regulation are inviting academics, think-tanks, associations, start-ups and established businesses to submit their innovative vision or analysis of the business models of the future electricity sector!

The recent release by the European Commission of the Clean Planet for all Roadmap, which aims at reaching a net-zero emission society by 2050, calls for increased levels of electrification to reach the commitments made in Paris. Covering more than 53% of our final energy demand with clean electricity calls for new technologies to enable innovative business opportunities, and raises vital questions for energy companies, consumers, policy-makers, energy regulators and academics.

  • Which technology will play a leading role to deepen electrification?
  • Which type of entrepreneur and enterprise will thrive in the electricity business of the future?
  • Which business models will be required to connect end-use sectors with electricity suppliers?

Eurelectric and the Florence School of Regulation are looking for breakthrough contributions that embrace the complexity and uncertainties surrounding the electricity business in the context of decarbonisation, decentralisation and digitalisation. Join us to deepen the debate and develop innovative visions and empirically grounded analyses on the new technologies, business models and enterprises that will lead the electric landscape of the future.

How to submit your contribution?


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