Namaste Asia

Topic of the Month: Energy Transition via Partnerships (SDG 7 <-> SDG 17)

Recently, the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) began the FSR Global initiative to take its experience in energy policy and regulation in the European Union to the world. Since then, the capacity building model of combining – policy dialogue, applied research and training has led to a wide variety of engagements across the globe. In this topic of the month, we introduce and highlight, region wise, some of key initiatives beyond Europe. This time we are heading to Asia.  

European Commission

FSR collaborated with the European Commission on various bilateral workshops to enhance knowledge transfer amongst European and international stakeholders.

6th EU-India Smart Grid Workshop, 19-22 November 2018

In collaboration with the European Commission and the Indian Smart Grid Forum.

Smart grid has been highlighted as a priority area of cooperation under the frame of the EU – India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership, adopted at 2016 EU-India Summit (30 March 2016 in Brussels). The Leaders’ Statement on Clean Energy and Climate, adopted at 2017 EU-India Summit (6 October 2017, Delhi) further emphasised the importance of continued cooperation on smart grids development and deployment.

Integration of electric storage (ES) and electric vehicles (EV) in smart grids

The global trend in electric mobility is seen as an opportunity for India to reduce its oil fuel import and improve the air quality of its cities. The workshop focused on the deployment and integration challenges of electric vehicles in India, given the new policy framework that targets new stock of vehicles to be electric come 2030. On electric storage, the policy is still under development and focused more on exchange of ideas amongst European and Indian stakeholders.

Regulation for enabling cost-effective integration of large shares of renewables

The workshop focused on the nuances of power sector regulation from both the EU and the Indian perspective. The theme of the day was developing regulations to integrate large shares of renewable energy cost-effectively. The topics addressed provided an introduction to the EU and India power sector and included lessons on network unbundling, tariffs of the future, regulation of innovative technologies in the electricity network industry and energy markets design.

EU-India Power Market Design Workshop – 14th March 2019

In collaboration with the European Commission and the Indian Smart Grid Forum.

The workshop aimed at facilitating exchange of experiences between the experts from EU and India on various aspects of the current power market design. Insights were provided on functioning of the day ahead, intra-day and balancing markets in India as well as Europe, where these market designs are highly evolved. Furthermore, the issue of ensuring long term security of supply during the energy transition was discussed. Finally, avenues for unlocking the potential energy storage, which is expected to play a key role in the future were examined.

EU – Japan LNG Workshop, 14-15 November 2017

In collaboration with the European Commission and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan.

International LNG markets are set for major change, with substantial new liquefaction capacity coming on stream in the period to 2020.  Both Europe and Japan have published in 2016 a strategy for liquefied natural gas. For the EU, the current developments in the global LNG market offer an opportunity to let LNG play its full role in diversifying gas supplies to all EU member states and in enhancing the competitiveness in the internal gas market. For Japan, the world’s largest LNG importer, secure LNG supplies are strategically important.

Contractual Arrangements and Business Models for a Liquid and Flexible Global LNG Market

The workshop focused on flexibility in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) sale and purchase agreements, including in the context of newer business models for trade in the global LNG market. Also discussed the ‘best practices’ with trading contracts and their flexibility arrangements and to build up confidence (also in legal terms) for their use.

Perusahaan Gas Negara

FSR conducted a workshop as part of a project to assist Perusahaan Gas Negara in analyzing and proposing potential solutions for the current regulatory challenges that Indonesia gas industry is facing. The objective of this workshop is to present case studies which may help to better understand Indonesia challenges and to find potential solutions by considering Indonesia specificities, but also its international experiences and challenges and how they were dealt with.

Upcoming research

Currently, FSR is undertaking a study on the regulatory and policy issues for large-scale integration of electric vehicles into the power system in India. The results of this research are expected to be published in summer 2019.

Stay tuned!

Check out our FSR Global page for comprehensive list of activities undertaken in the region.


Check out our FSR Global page for a comprehensive list of activities undertaken in the region.

FSR is bringing together all our Global partners at the FSR Global Forum later this month. It is a 4-day event fostering practice-oriented solutions on key aspects of the world energy transition. The event provides a platform for multi-stakeholder engagement to facilitate transnational knowledge exchange.
Follow the #FSRGlobalForum on social

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