LIVE STREAMING – 8th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures

The 8th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures. Digital Platforms – The New Network Industries? How to regulate them? is approaching and FSR is planning a LIVE streaming of the introductory event (link below).

Live streaming will start on 20 June, 14:00 (Florence Time) with keynote speech “Digital Platforms – Opportunities, Risks and the Case for Regulation” by Werner Stengg, European Commission, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Head of Unit E-Commerce and Platforms.

Moderated by:

Matthias Finger, EUI and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Expert panel:

Jean-Michel Glachant, EUI

Pier Luigi Parcu, EUI

Stéphane Saussier, EUI and  Université Paris Sorbonne

Juan José Montero Pascual, EUI and UNED

The Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures is the annual event that brings together all the Areas of the Florence School of Regulation. This 8th  edition aims to identify the key challenges of digitalisation for traditional network industries; discover various regulatory approaches to platforms and determine benefit scenarios for consumers and to the platforms itself. Papers will be presented in the following parallel sessions: Platform Regulation, Platforms and Antitrust, Transport, Energy and Water.


More information on the 8th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures here.

Link to LIVE streaming of keynote speech by Werner Stengg here.

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