International Dialogue on Regulatory Quality – ANEEL and FSR

FSR participated in the ‘International Dialogue on Regulatory Quality’ event organised by the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) and the Brazilian National School of Public Administration ( ENAP).

The international dialogue included presentations from Mr. Luiz de Mello (Deputy Chief of Staff of the Secretary-General OECD),  Prof. Jean-Michel Glachant ( Director, Florence School of Regulation),  Mr. Marcelo Guaranys (Casa Civil, Presidência da República), Mr. Tiago de Barros Correia (Director ANEEL), Mr. Ashley Brown (Executive Director of Harvard Electricity Policy Group (HEPG) and Swetha RaviKumar Bhagwat ( Head of Global Relations, Florence School of Regulation)

The topics discussed included, evidence-based regulation, evaluation of Brazilian regulatory policies,  good practices of stakeholder engagement in the electricity sector, risk management in the regulatory system and regulatory delivery.

FSR, ANEEL and all the regulators of Brazil are cooperating to develop a new online course on ‘Regulatory Delivery’ to be launched in Q2 2019. The course will be Directed by Jorge Vasconcelos, Chairman of NEWES and a  founding father of the Florence School of Regulation.

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