InnoGrid2020+ 2017: FSR joins ‘The Network of Networks’ Conference

Which technologies can enable a smart and sustainable energy system? Which regulation is needed? Will the active customer paradigm and active system management become a reality? How will the TSOs-DSOs interface change? What is the role of data hubs and what are the European rules related to cybersecurity and privacy?

These are some of the key questions to be discussed at the 6th edition of the InnoGrid2020+ Conference on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th June in Brussels.

The event, organised by ENTSO-E and EDSO for Smart Grids in partnership with the Florence School of Regulation, focuses on the arising Network of Networks, where power grids and transport, telecom and IT, digital and physical get connected in an unprecedented manner. Additionally, the discussants examine the rapid evolution of the transmission-distribution interface.

On Tuesday 27th, FSR Director, Jean-Michel Glachant, is moderating a session on the best regulation for digital grids and will officially announce the two winners of the 1st Scholarship Award in Memoriam of Ana Aguado. Each student is awarded a scholarship to attend the FSR Summer School on Regulation of Energy Utilities training course (26-30 June 2017). The award wishes to commemorate Ana Aguado, Secretary General of EDSO for Smart Grids, who sadly passed away on 7th October 2016. Ms. Aguado was always very attentive to students’ necessities and firmly believed in the importance of education and training for future generations.

Maroš Šefčovič (Vice President for the Energy Union at the European Commission), Kaja Kallas (MEP), Kamila Kloc (Digital Single Market Deputy Head of Cabinet at the European Commission) and Alberto Pototschnig (Director of ACER) are only a few among the distinguished speakers attending this high-level event.

For further info visit InnoGrid 2020+’s page

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