On Thursday and Friday, 22-23 March, FSR C&M together with the FCP and CMPF held its annual Scientific Seminar, which this year was dedicated to competition, regulation and pluralism in the online world. During this two-day event sixteen papers were presented and discussed, and a selection of them will be published in a special edition of the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe). This year we were fortunate to have hosted Hal Varian (Chief Economist at Google and Emeritus Professor of Economics at UC Berkeley) as keynote speaker. Mr Varian spoke about the latest developments and challenges in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Antitrust. After his keynote speech, Professor Pier Luigi Parcu recorded a brief conversation with Mr Varian in which they spoke about economic models and media pluralism in the age of the Internet.
Photos from the event can be accessed here.