FSR training regulators in Morocco

On the 31st of October and 1st of November 2017, the Florence School of Regulation supported the German Development Agency (GIZ) by creating and delivering a tailor-made training course for the Moroccan authorities. Read more

During the course, participants were trained on fundamentals of energy regulation and markets, as well as on the integration of renewables and distribution grids. The purpose of the two-day training course was to prepare the participants from various ministries and public bodies to master the knowledge needed for putting in place the Moroccan Regulatory Agency for electricity.

We are very happy with the results of this collaboration and we look forward to the next collaborations on a global level.

Watch the interview with the FSR Director, Jean-Michel Glachant

Find the Presentations from the Training

Les marchés d’électricité le B.A BA (M. Jean Michel GLACHANT)

Les fonctions de la Régulation et les devoirs des régulateurs__Les grands principes (M. Pippo Ranci)

Les marchés d’électricité__L’expérience de l’Union Européenne (M. Jorge Vasconcelos)

Intégration des énergies renouvelables dans le système électrique (M. Samson Yemane HADUSH)

Investissements et modes de financement des énergies renouvelable (M. Mahmoud EZZAKI)

Electricity Distribution Issues (M. Pradyumna Bhagwat)

Renewables Case Study, Greece (M. Gkizas Apostolos)

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