FSR in Brussels: a new Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment

FSR will bring its global regulatory knowledge and experience to this platform via capacity building, research and policy dialogue initiatives in partnership with our global partners.  

A new Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs

The aim of the Alliance is to take the EU’s partnership with Africa to the next level. To do so, the Commission proposes to boost investment, further attract private investors, support education and skills development for employability, as well as boost trade and improve the business climate. This plan will be supported by the Commission’s current and future budget, for which Africa is highlighted as a priority region.
FSR is proud to announce that it will be chairing the working group focusing on ‘Improvement of the enabling environment needed to enhance sustainable investments’ – which will be led by Prof Ignacio Perez Arriaga.
‘What happens in Africa matters for Europe, and what happens in Europe matters for Africa. Our partnership is an investment in our shared future. It is a partnership of equals in which we support each other, help each other to prosper and make the world a safer, more stable and more sustainable place to live.’ 
Jean-Claude Juncker, African Union–European Union Summit 2017
In his State of the Union Address on 12 September 2018, President Jean-Claude Juncker proposed to deepen the EU’s economic and trade relationship with Africa through investment and job creation.

Purpose of this new sustainable energy platform

In the framework of the new Africa-Europe Alliance and the Africa Europe High-Level Platform for Sustainable Energy Investments (the SEI Platform) aims to provide recommendations for actions and activities to accelerate impact on access to sustainable energy, to boost public and private investments, as well as decent job creation. The Africa Europe High-Level Platform for Sustainable Energy Investments in Africa was launched on the 8th of November 2018 during the Africa Investment Forum, organised by the African Development Bank.
The SEI Platform will address long-term challenges and strategic interests of both continents and shall contribute to the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals together with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The SEI Platform will aim to share knowledge and knowhow, while considering the specific context and existing initiatives such as the Abidjan EU-AU Declaration, Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) and the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI), including synergies with the Sustainable Business for Africa Platform (SB4A).
The SEI Platform will focus its work on three thematic areas through specific working groups, to collectively define the operational modalities for achieving the key objectives of the Alliance and the Platform. The composition of the groups reflects the geographic, cultural and gender diversity of both continents, and includes representatives from the public and private sectors, academia and civil society. Membership is designed to ensure that the Working Groups (WGs) support the SEI Platform.
FSR will bring to this platform its global regulatory knowledge and experience via capacity building, research and policy dialogue initiatives in partnership with our global partners.  

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