FSR Climate co-organising Side event in Bonn

A Side Event co-hosted by the European Commission and the Florence School of Regulation – Climate will take place in Bonn on 12 May from 18:30-20:00, during the UNFCCC (United nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) Climate Change Conference.

Speakers will be:
• Eva Plocek-Kubesova, Environment Attaché, Czech Republic Permanent Representation to the EU
• Henning Häder, Advisor, Eurelectric
• Artur Runge-Metzger, Director, European Commission
• Claudio Marcantonini, Deputy Director, FSR – Climate 
Moderated by Xavier Labandeira, Director, FSR –  Climate.

The event will be live broadcast via YouTube Live.

The audience of the live streaming will be able to listen to the talks and view the presentations (no video of the speakers is provided). Questions can be sent to the panel through the live chat (a Gmail account is required for this).



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