Giving the world better Energy & Climate

FSR Energy & Climate brings together the worlds of academia and practice. We carry out applied research, training courses and policy dialogue with the purpose of developing economically and socially sound energy regulation and policy in Europe and worldwide.

Energy & Climate Knowledge

State of play in international carbon markets 2024
State of play in international carbon markets 2024

On 21 May 2024, the LIFE-COASE project brought together carbon market experts and regulators from around the world, including from…

Leveraging the energy transition : the role of long-term contracts

The interaction of “Contracts”, “Markets” and “Law and Regulation” have informed the economic analysis of market economies for over 40 years. One of the main lessons learnt is that (contracts),…

CfDs for renewables deployment: multiple design choices to support them all
CfDs for renewables deployment: multiple design choices to support them all

On 26 June 2024, FSR Part-time Professor Lena Kitzing presented the FSR technical report “Contracts-for-Difference to support renewable energy technologies:…

Agricultural Voluntary Carbon Markets: challenges and recommendations
Agricultural Voluntary Carbon Markets: challenges and recommendations

Climate change, exacerbated by unsustainable human practices, poses significant challenges to various sectors, especially agriculture. The 6th IPCC report highlights…

Regulatory framework relevant for int:net

Lack of interoperability is increasingly becoming a significant issue in the electricity sector. The need to integrate a growing amount of distributed resources, such as renewable energy sources and electric…

Emission Trading Systems, their fiscal progressivity and its limits
Emission Trading Systems, their fiscal progressivity and its limits

The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is the auction-based mechanism used by the European Union and its Member…

Training Courses

Loyola Autumn Research School – LARS
Loyola Autumn Research School – LARS

Crafting research with impact on energy policy and regulation LARS is a residential training addressing researchers with modeling skills who are keen to support the energy policy and regulatory debate.…

Annual Training on the Regulation of Energy Utilities
Annual Training on the Regulation of Energy Utilities

Regulation of energy utilities All you need to know in one professional course With the Annual Training on the Regulation of Energy Utilities, you will gain extensive knowledge of the fundamental principles of…

Executive Course to master Electricity Markets
Executive Course to master Electricity Markets

Learn how to master electricity markets and key issues around their reform The energy crisis that was triggered by the Russian war in Ukraine has led European power markets to…

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The school carries out multidisciplinary research with the purpose of developing economically, legally, and socially-sound regulation and policy.

Training courses

Designed by an international faculty of academics and the main experts in the field, our courses are designed to meet the educational needs of professionals at all levels.

Policy events

Our events bring together the world of academia and practice to offer a vast range of opportunities for open discussion and practice sharing.

Upcoming Events

FSR Alumni Day - 2nd edition
FSR Alumni Day - 2nd edition

Following the success of the first edition, we are delighted to announce the 2nd FSR Alumni Day. This event will…

Policy Advisory Council 2024
Policy Advisory Council 2024

The Policy Advisory Council discusses the most topical regulatory and policy issues and debates and the relevance and robustness of…

FSR Regulatory Policy Workshop Series 2024-2025
FSR Regulatory Policy Workshop Series 2024-2025

FSR Regulatory Policy Workshop Series 2024-2025 This workshop is by invitation only Sustainability assessment The FSR assesses the sustainability and…

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