The Energy Union for You | ENTSO-E Annual Conference 2016

The Florence School of Regulation is partnering with ENTSO-E in the organisation of the 2016 Annual Conference, taking place today, 8th December in Brussels.

The event aims to investigate the next steps of the Energy Union, comparing the visions and the real implementation of market design, the future of smart cities, the infrastructure implementation challenge and regional cooperation. It also raises the question: what’s in it for the customer?

Despite the political uncertainty experienced in the current post-Brexit scenario, European citizens still want to see the Energy Union delivered. It is the citizen, and the customer, who is on the move in Europe’s energy landscape. But what does this change look like? What should be expected? How can the sustainability be delivered while maintaining the market in power?

Leonardo Meeus, Part-time Professor at the Florence School of Regulation, is contributing as moderator of the Session: ‘A Power Struggle: The Electricity Market Design’, providing a taste of the discussion that will follow after the European Commission’s proposals of the end of the year.

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