EC proposes quick ratification of Paris Agreement: interview with FSR Climate Deputy Director

On 10 June the European Commission  presented a proposal for the European Union to ratify the Paris Agreement, adopted on 12 December 2015, to tackle climate change.

The Commission intends to propose, in the coming months, the Member State targets to reduce emissions in those sectors not covered by the Emissions Trading System (ETS), such as transport, agriculture and buildings. It will also propose how to integrate land use into the 2030 framework (agreed by EU leaders in October 2014) and a communication on low-carbon mobility.

On the ratification of the Paris Agreement talks Claudio Marcantonini, FSR Climate Deputy Director, during a brief interview for the Representative Office of the European Commission in Italy.

Listen to the interview (in Italian). Starts on minute 16:33

Read the Press Release 

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