Energy Network

The FSR Energy network is a global community of experts and practitioners. We actively foster collaborations with leading energy institutions to develop economically and socially sound regulation and policy.


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Training & Scholarships

We design and conduct different types of training, supported by a world-renowned faculty and an unmatched learning environment.


We combine robust knowledge and a multidisciplinary approach to offer the most advanced thinking on energy regulation and policy in Europe and worldwide.

Policy events

We welcome you to Florence, online and worldwide to debate the most relevant issues at stake in the energy landscape.

Digital Media Platform

We develop a wide range of media formats in order to maximise the impact and coverage of the research, tailored to different audiences.

FSR Energy Donors

The FSR receives funding generously donated from energy companies and other bodies representing stakeholders in the industry sector.
Being an FSR Energy donor means becoming an integral part of our community of experts and benefitting from privileged access to our activities.

Baker Hughes Logo
Bp Logo
Cheniere Energy Logo
E-ON Logo
Edf Logo
Edison Logo
EirGrid Logo
Elia Logo
Enagas Logo
Enel Logo
Engie Logo
Eni Logo
Entsoe Logo
Entsog Logo
Europex Logo
Gas Connect Austria Logo
Gie Logo
Gme Logo
Gse Logo
Netbeheer Nederland Logo
Netz-Noe Logo
Netze BW Logo
Ontras Logo
OpenGridEurope Logo
Ponte Energy Partners Logo
REN Logo
RTE Logo
RWE Logo
Shell Logo
Snam Logo
Statnett Logo
Swissgrid Logo
Tennet Logo
Terna Logo
TotalEnergies Logo
TransnetBW Logo

Find out more on why and how to become a donor.

Become a Donor

Deputy Director for the World of Practice

Contact Alberto Pototschnig

Donor Relations

Contact Christine Lyon


FSR is teaming up with global partners from the energy world to produce and share innovative training, research and policy initiatives.

European Commission Logo
The European Parliament Logo


For Swiss Grid is a unique opportunity to be a Donor of the FSR. We have been at so many very important meetings here, so many important conferences and it is so valuable for us to contact and to network with key policymakers throughout all Europe.

Thomas Tillwicks | Swissgrid

We have been for many years donors of the FSR because we find the school a very important place where we can exchange our views with peers with regulatory authorities and with institutions in a very open-minded setting. That’s what we appreciate very much, as well as the possibility of establishing a network and relationship with different people. Not to mention the fact that the training activities and offers that the FSR gives us are extremely important to train our staff members in becoming always better specialists in regulatory issues.

Giuseppe Montesano | European Affairs, Enel

The Fsr is unique and it’s unique in many aspects. There is no other place in Europe where regulators, policy makers and grid operators come together to discuss the open issues and the future of the energy business in Europe. And the location is unique as well, it inspires us to think freely, to open up our minds and to really enable the future of the energy business in Europe.

Jörg Spicker | Swissgrid

Why are we FSR Donors? First of all, we have always appreciated the frank discussions going on in the various workshops. Secondly, we have used the educational facilities of the FSR very much and I’ve seen many many young people going through here and getting a very good impression of regulations and all the difficulties involved with this. So we hare happy to be here and we will continue our engagement also in the future.

Harald Stindl | Managing Director, Gas Connect Austria

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To meet, discuss and learn in the channel that suits you best.

