Design the electricity market(s) of the future – new ebook!

New publication online!

Design the electricity market(s) of the future. Edited by Nicolò Rossetto (FSR)

Proceedings from the Eurelectric-FSR Conference, 7 June 2017

Markets can deliver electricity for about three decades. They could also deliver ‘full decarbonisation’ if they were designed to do so. That is what the EURELECTRIC – Florence School of Regulation conference seriously investigated last June, with 11 contributions reproduced in this wonderful E-book, easily accessible wherever and whenever –  at breakfast, at lunch, at dinner – when you do not have people to ‘make your day’. 

Jean-Michel Glachant, FSR Director


We are pleased to announce that the Florence School of Regulation and Eurelectric co-published an ebook presenting the views and thoughts of prominent academics and industry representatives on the longer-term needs for a sound EU electricity market design.


The European power industry is pulling up its sleeves to lead the energy transition. As stated in our new Vision, we will strive to deliver carbon-neutral electricity well before mid-century. Electricity market design will be key to trigger the investments needed in achieving this goal. With the support of the Florence School of Regulation, our 2017 project ‘Design the electricity market(s) of the future’ gathered visionary academic and industry contributions which we are publishing in a comprehensive E-book today

Kristian Ruby, EURELECTRIC Secretary-General 

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