Communications and Media

The FSR Communications & Media provides state-of-the-art training for practitioners, analytical and empirical research, and promotes informed discussions on key policy issues in the electronic communications, Internet and media sectors.

Combining high academic standards with an in-depth understanding of current regulatory issues and trade-offs, our training courses seek to build a unique regulatory culture and a wide networking capability across European companies and public institutions.

Past events


The school carries out multidisciplinary research with the purpose of developing economically, legally, and socially-sound regulation and policy.

Training courses

Designed by an international faculty of academics and the main experts in the field, our courses are designed to meet the educational needs of professionals at all levels.

Policy events

Our events bring together the world of academia and practice to offer a vast range of opportunities for open discussion and practice sharing.

Communications & Media Knowledge

The Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics celebrates its 30th edition in Rimini, Italy
The Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics celebrates its 30th edition in Rimini, Italy

2022 marked a historical year for the Conference on Postal on Postal and Delivery Economics, the annual gathering of regulators,…

Data analytics and data sharing in collaborative and cross-sectoral regulation: a survey of challenges
Data analytics and data sharing in collaborative and cross-sectoral regulation: a survey of challenges

The paper ”Data analytics and data sharing in collaborative and cross-sectoral regulation: a survey of challenges” (Pisarkiewicz, A. R.,  Parcu…

Global standard essential patent litigation : anti-suit and anti-anti-suit injunctions

The global litigation of standard essential patents (SEP) is taking a new turn with the jurisdictional battle between national courts. Some courts have started issuing anti-suit injunctions (ASI) to prohibit…

The EU and the geopolitics of technology. Policymakers discuss Europe's quest for leadership in innovation
The EU and the geopolitics of technology. Policymakers discuss Europe's quest for leadership in innovation

As major countries in the world continue to recognize the strategic importance of standards for key emerging technologies, technological leadership…

Position statement on the European commission’s call for evidence for an impact assessment on standard-essential patents

On 14th February 2022, the European Commission published a ‘Call for evidence for an impact assessment’ (Call for Evidence) and Public Consultation related to a new framework for standard essential…

NIKOLIC, Igor;GALLI, Niccolò;BOTTA, Marco;CARROZZA, Chiara;FILISTRUCCHI, Lapo;INNOCENTI, Niccolò;PARCU, Pier Luigi;PISARKIEWICZ, Anna Renata;ROSSI, Maria Alessandra;SOLIDORO, Silvia
Innovation in 5G Technology: Leadership, Competition and Policy Issues.
Innovation in 5G Technology: Leadership, Competition and Policy Issues.

5G development, implementation and disruptiveness continue to gather attention and foster debate among policymakers and researchers. 5G will provide the…

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