Call for papers: Florence Conference on the Regulation of Railways. Deadline for abstracts submission: 31 August

The call for papers for the Florence Conference on the Regulation of Railways is open until August 31st , 2018! The conference will take place on 16-17 November 2018 in Florence (Italy). 

Call for papers

Across the world, railways are poised to face new challenges, as all transport modes are transformed by technological innovations, liberalization, competition with other modes of transport and most recently by digitalization. Consequently, the railway industry is required to increase efficiency while ensuring security and safety, as it has to address multimodality, such as buses, as well as compete with new transport modes such as car-sharing. Regulation of the railway industry and its various dimensions, not the least competition, is a central factor in the process of its transformation and will ultimately decide whether railways will or will not increase their modal share.

We are looking for original papers covering the various aspects of railway regulation and focusing either on a country or a region or on more transversal issues such as competition, tendering, high-speed services, intermodality, digital mobility/railway platforms and others more.

Contributions utilizing multidisciplinary, as well as interdisciplinary approaches to regulation, are very welcome. Papers, linking academia and practice, as well as policy research papers, are particularly encouraged.

The conference is intended for academics such as PhD students, PostDocs and assistant/associate/full Professors, as well as academically minded practitioners. The best papers will be eligible for publication in the Railway Regulation Handbook, to be published by Edward Elgar in 2019.

The Conference is organized by the Transport Area of the Florence School of Regulation of the European University Institute (Florence) and UNED University (Madrid), and it will take place in Florence (Italy).


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