In Brussels and online: Luncheon Debate on “Hydropower rights”

Join us for the Luncheon Debate on “Hydropower rights” today in Brussels and online from 11.00 to 13.00 to discuss the newly published FSR report ‘Regimes for granting the right to use hydropower in Europe.’

Over the last decade, the EU Commission has launched several investigations in different countries on the compatibility of hydropower rights with European laws and regulations. Two main concerns have arisen:

  • Member States have totally different and non-harmonised frameworks,
  • the EU Commission works on this topic with three diverging policies: competition, environment and “only last” energy.

The FSR invites you to discuss the newly published FSR report Regimes for granting the right to use hydropower in Europe with a whole audience of relevant stakeholders, including high-level representatives of regulatory authorities, EU institutions, energy companies and academia.

More details on the event page

Watch the live stream here and interact with us online.

The debate will also be live tweeted. Tweet your questions to @fsr_energy, they will be addressed by the panelists during the event!

Download the flyer of the Research Report

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