FSR Communications and Media develops tailor-made courses for you and together with you to provide you with training that best responds to your specific needs, whether you are a private company or a public institution.
Since its inception in 2009, the FSR Communications & Media has been providing multi-disciplinary trainings as part of its mission. Our courses combine high academic standards with a highly interactive approach, providing its participants with an opportunity to discuss cutting-edge policy problems and trade-offs.
Committed to developing a robust regulatory culture and approach based on best practices as well as the most recent evolution of the theory, we rely on an extensive and global network of experts.
The tailor-made courses we can design for you, and in close collaboration with you, are:
Multi-disciplinary: our experts involve lawyers, economists, engineers, data and computer scientists.
Flexible: in terms of format, length and intensity as well as place of delivery (residential in Florence or at our client’s premises, online or both).
Date: 5-6 July 2022
Organisation: Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA)
Place: Bonn
Topic: Data Driven Economy and Network Industries
Description: this two-day intensive training was designed to meet the specific needs of the BNetzA, the German regulatory authority for electricity, gas, telecommunications, post, and railway markets.
Starting with an assessment of the state of play in the use of data in the organisation, the instructors examined topics such as data use, data sharing between business and government (B2G) and between different public authorities (G2G), and data analysis techniques.
The training featured a practical workshop on manipulating JSON data, and a collective brainstorming session to facilitate the emergence of creative solutions and innovative ideas.
Date: 19 October 2019 – 22 January 2021
Organisation: Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM)
Place: Online
Topic: Regulation of electronic communications and digital markets
Description: This fully online training course, which comprised four non-consecutive modules, was designed to meet ANACOM’s specific requirements. The training covered a number of topics concerning the regulation of the electronic communications sector, taking into account the most recent changes introduced by the European Electronic Communications Code. It also explored issued raised by the Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act.
Date: 3 – 5 April 2019
Organisation: Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA)
Place: Bonn, Germany
Topic: Data-driven economy and regulation
Description: The main objective of this three-day training was to discuss and explore challenges that regulated industries face in the data-driven economy and how regulators can effectively contribute to tackling them.
Date: 29 May 2017
Organisation: The Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (AKOS)
Place: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Topic: International competition law, telecom regulation
Description: The training, organized in cooperation with the Florence Competition Programme (FCP), was tailor-made to provide up-to-date insights on the complementary application of competition law and regulation in the electronic communications sector.
Date: 19 – 20 September 2016
Organisation: Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações, ANACOM
Place: Lisbon, Portugal
Topic: Network regulation, online platforms, big data
Description: This two-day training explored the latest regulatory trends and practices concerning network regulation, broadband targets, big data and online platforms.
Date: 12 – 15 January 2015
Organisation: Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM)
Place: Lisbon, Portugal
Topic: Telecom regulation and competition policy
Description: The main goal of this four-day training was to provide officials from the CNMC with a state-of-the-art overview of the main telecommunications and audiovisual regulatory issues in Europe.
Organisation: Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM)
Place: Lisbon, Portugal
Topic: Telecom regulation, Internet Economics and Policy, Consumer Protection
Description: This 12-day training, which comprised four three-day modules, provided ANACOM with a comprehensive overview of economic, legal and policy challenges in the electronic communications markets. In addition to the applicable regulatory framework, the training also explored the application of competition and consumer protection laws.
Trained Institutions:
To meet, discuss and learn in the channel that suits you best.